アレン ・ケット・マリドゥエーニャ(Alain Ket Mariduena)は、ニューヨーク出身のパブリッシャーでありジャーナリストであり、ヒップホップ文化の研究者であり市民活動家であり、グラフィティアーティストである。
苦学生ながらも奨学金を得てニューヨーク大学(NYU)に進学、グラフィック専攻を修学した。NYU在籍中には都市部で暮らす有色人種の若者たちに向けた「Stress Magazine」(1995-2000)を立ち上げ、ヒップホップを通じた啓蒙と教育、さらに刑務所収監者たちに対するアピールに力を入れ、収監者の権利、警察の暴力や権力の不当行使などを訴えると同時に、ライカーズアイランド刑務所に雑誌を無料配布するプロジェクトや所内にヒップホップアーティストを招いて公演も企画した。
Stressはスペイン語にも翻訳され海外でも流通、国際的な評価も受け、またアレンはその頃、仲間たちとともに"Black August"という市民組織を結成し、政治犯や無実の罪で投獄されたマイノリティーたちへの支援にも力を注ぐなど、アクティビストとしても精力的に活動した。
Stress後はEcko Unlimitedのマーク・エコー(Mark Ecko)とともにComplex Magazineを発行。同時に自らの活動の拠点となるスタジオ、From Here to Fameも設立し、ヒップホップやグラフィティの歴史に関する出版物の発行以外にも、プリンストン大学やブラウン大学、カリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校などの名門校でヒップホップやグラフィティについて講義するほか、Vibe Magazine, MTV, Lugz, Pepsi, Timberlandなどのコンサルタントも務めていた。
Alain Ket Mariduena is a publisher, writer, Hip Hop historian, activist and graffiti artist from New York City. He was charged in New York City courts (Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan) on counts of felony criminal mischief, possession of graffiti tools, and X., all relating to a search performed on his home in New York City in late 2006.
Alain grew up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. From a young age, he fell in love with Hip Hop culture and the graffiti art movement, During his college days at New York University, he founded STRESS, a publication dedicated to celebrating urban communities, Hip Hop culture and educating youth about their rights. This magazine went on to have international distribution and being translated into Spanish language as well. Alain created a program with Riker's Island prison to donate magazines to inmates and to take Hip Hop musicians to perform at the prison system in order to reduce violence and connect them with the outside world. He was also one of the founders of Black August, a collective made up of Stress magazine staff and The Malcolm X Grassroots movement, in order to raise money and support for political prisoners and exchange music and ideas with youth in countries with emerging Hip Hop scenes like Cuba. Most recently he was a founder of Complex magazine along with Marc Ecko, and started a publishing imprint, From Here to Fame, to preserve Hip Hop's rich history and to provide an imprint for marginalized writers and artists. He also has served as a consult to Ecko Unlimited on both their apparel and video game businesses, MTV, Lugz, Vibe magazine, PepsiCo, Timberland, Azzure Denim, and many other brands.
Alain Maridue?a's arrest had come in the context of a growing anti-graffiti sentiment in city government due to the growing gentrification of New York City and as part of the Mayor Bloomberg's quality of life push, one started by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Alain's arrest appears to be politically motivated attack for his involvement with Marc Ecko and Ecko's successful lawsuits against the city of New York in order to hold a graffiti event and repealing a spray paint sales ban to 18 year olds. Many consider the charges against Alain excessive.
As we already stated, we will continue to support Alain completely. He and his family have been through an extremely difficult time and are financially strained.
Alain's court cases are ongoing and his family and friends will be raising funds to pay his legal defense, setting up public events to educate people about the incarceration of artists, and providing financial, logistical, and legal support to Alain throughout his proceedings.
Please keep in mind that our fight is just beginning. We need your help and support in order to fight the outrageous prosecution.
On behalf of Alain, we thank you for your continued support.
more info at www.supportket.org